Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Almond Asparagus (you can also make this with fresh Green Beans)

Salt and Pepper Asparagus
by: Stephanie

serves: 2-4
prep time: 2 minutes
cook time: 7-10 minutes
items you'll need: skillet and tongs

1 bunch of asparagus
sliced almonds
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil

1. Clean and prepare asparagus
2. Lay asparagus in skillet
3. Drizzle with olive oil
4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper
5. Cook on medium heat for about 7-10 minutes depending on how thick your asparagus is
6. During the last couple minutes of cooking add the sliced almonds (don't add too early or they'll get mushy)

Preparing asparagus:

1. Place one hand at each of of asparagus spear and bend.
2. Where is snaps is how you tell which part to throw away and which part to keep
3. Always keep the end with the leaves
4. Rinse under water and dry before cooking

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